Install and Enable


Installing CLAchievements is not enough: it has to be enabled.



CLAchievements uses PyGObject to display the achievements (other methods might be supported later). Thus, it must be installed, either system-wide (if CLAchievements is not installed in a virtualenv, or if the virtualenv has been created with option --system-site-packages), or as a dependency (see the extra pgi dependency below).

From sources

  • Download:

  • Install (in a virtualenv, if you do not want to mess with your distribution installation system):

    python3 install

    Or, to install the pgi dependency as well:

    python3 install[pgi]

From pip


pip install clachievements

Or, if you need the pgi dependency as well:

pip install clachievements[pgi]

Quick and dirty Debian (and Ubuntu?) package

This requires stdeb to be installed:

python3 --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb
sudo dpkg -i deb_dist/clachievements-<VERSION>_all.deb

The PyGObject dependency is proposed as an optional requirement.


Once CLAchievements is installed, it does not work yet. Running ls will not trigger any achievement: you will to wrap it using CLAchievements by running clachievements run ls.

Replacing ls by clachievements run ls will change your habits. You do not want it. So, it should be aliased: alias ls="clachievements run ls".

All the commands triggering achievements should be aliased. To ease this, the clachievements command provides a sub-command clachievements alias, which display the shell code generating all the required aliases. Thus, in your .bashrc (or .watheverrc), write the line $(clachievements alias) to enable every aliases.


To check if CLAchievements is enabled, run ls in a terminal. If you see the So it begins… achievement unlocked, it works. Otherwise, it does not… yet.

If you are not sure about wether CLAchievements works or not, reset the achievements using clachievements reset, and run ls again to test it.